To protect the vote in 2022, fight for it now.
The right to vote is under siege in states across America. We must secure our right to vote right now. Sign up to tell us you’re with us in fighting for our vote:

Fighting to protect voting rights
Called your senator? There's still more you can do to fight for our vote. Find your senator below and click their name to tweet at them and demand they pass voting rights legislation.
Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (AZ)
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (CA)
Sen. Chris Coons (DE)
Sen. Angus King (ME)
Sen. Jon Tester (MT)
Sen. Patrick Leahy (VT)
Sen. Joe Manchin (WV)
Don't see your senator listed? You can still do more to fight for our vote. Click-to-tweet the below post to spread the word.
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Our plan to fight for and protect our vote
We are coming together city by city, state by state, to fight back against the assault on voting access. We need your power and the power of your community to win. Show your support: post these messages to Twitter.
Our Voting Rights Must Be Protected. Congress must restore voting rights by passing the John Lewis Voting Rights Act to protect against racial discrimination and voter suppression.
The Safety and Health of Voters Must Be Protected. Health and safety standards during Covid-19 must continue and improve for full and safe voter participation.
Access to Voting Must be Protected. Mail in voting and ballot drop boxes must be widely available in every community in every state.
Fair, Honest Elections Must be Protected. We must make sure that every vote is counted. People should not have to wait hours to vote on Election Day. We need enough machines, poll workers and locations to meet the needs of each and every community.
Early Voting Must be Protected in Each State. There should be a minimum of two weeks of early voting guaranteed including weekends. There should also be expanded voting hours and curbside voting.
Our Poll Workers Must be Protected. They are hard workers who must have Covid-19 protective gear, receive hazard pay and have access to free emergency medical coverage if needed.